Megan 5th February 2012

Hey grandad I still miss you so much & cant actually believe its nearly been a whole year & still seems so fresh & raw. I cant get my head round it. I saw ur ashes at nan's house n it broke my heart :'( I just long to see you, to hold you, to feel you. My heart it breaking. Its been snowing here yesterday, so as you can imagine been very slippy. Joel loves it being slidey but I hate it & fell over :( Ino you'de have laughed at me haha. I wish you could be here for mine & Joel's wedding in July. I cant wait but at the same time am so upset u wont be there :'( Well I've got 2 dresses haha, You know what im like just so picky haha, and as it wasn't my money it was OK haha. Well i hope your behaving urself up there, as ever lol. I love & miss you millions now, forever and always.. Your grandaughter Megan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx